Lalla Thord titles herself a field artist and the focus of her projects have consistently been providing a voice to those who aren’t an obvious part of the conversation. Throughout the years, Lalla has found herself walking the line between science and art. She considers art an international language and is consistently advocating for art being available to the masses rather than the selected few. This, due to art enabling the understanding oneself as well as the complex or inaccessible science around us.
As a nurse Lalla Thord went on to specialise in global health and has worked in different countries. Furthermore, she studied sculpture and painting in Florence, as well as acquired a master’s degree in the History of Art at Lund University, specializing in the arts of the Aboriginals, Art from the African continent and Art in hospitals.
During many years Lalla welcomed local schools into her atelier in order to let the students gain their own voice in a judge-free environment. This later developed into a free of charge art school, aimed at grade school children, at Simrishamn’s School of Culture.
Previous work has mainly been conducted in collaboration with different groups where Lalla has put a lot of emphasis on teaching how to reflect on one’s own work without judging it. She feels this to be crucial for the participants to truly express themselves, and not what they believe is expected of them.
She likes to experiment in different materials such as wood, textiles, acrylics, papier mâché and bronze.
Some of her projects are:
Natures impact on healing and the overall hospital environment was explored in the project Nature as an Inspiration in Healthcare.
The Baltic Sea events aimed to make marine science understandable to visitors. Lalla worked with schoolchildren and teachers to profound knowledge and give it an artistic form.
This makes you happy was a project made in collaboration with children, hospital patients, elderly, health staff and teachers. The aim was to explore one’s own strength via the creation of one’s own happy place.
In We and our World, children were invited to explore how they see themselves and describe it to others in an art piece.