2015 Report: The impact of Nature in a Hospital Ward in a Swedish Hospital (part 3). Naturupplevelsens betydelse I vården – En studie på en kvinnoklinik vid ett svenskt centralsjukhus. Lalla Thord Ingrid Ainalem Utvecklingscentrum och Kultur Skåne Region Skåne
Summary: Research has shown that a positive ward environment is valuable for both patients and staff. To this end, reproductions of natural beauty were placed in a traditional hospital ward, since such positive experiences have well-known calming and strengthening effects. Aim: To study the importance of reproductions of natural beauty in the ward for patients and staff and to find out their wishes for improving their feelings of wellbeing. Method: Qualitative semi structured study, interviewing 10 patients and 6 staff. Quantitative and qualitative measurements were carried out. The collected material was analyzed, using statistical and qualitative content analyses. Results: Reproductions of natural beauty were important for both groups, leading to more positive discussions, facilitating mobilization, providing a calm and caring atmosphere both patients and staff. Common wishes for improvement were more reproductions of natural beauty, more time for 4 discussions, more staff, increased involvement of the working chiefs, shorter working time, more cultural activity and better tidying up. Reproductions of natural beauty become a support in caring and meet spiritual needs. Conclusion: Nature has a meaning for everyone. Natural Elements enables healthcare environment to become a resource for both patients and staff. An inspiring and cost-effective measure, which can benefit many people. Lack of leadership and reorganization created frustration and savings led to cuts despite the staff and patients’ protests. Keywords: ward atmosphere, health care, nature and health, wellbeing.
2014 Report: The impact of Nature in Healthcare – A Study of a Woman’s Clinic in a Swedish Hospital year 2.
2014 Report: The Impact of Nature in Healthcare – A study of Women’s Clinic in a Swedish Hospital year 1 conference Paper.
2013 Report: The Impact of Nature in Healthcare – A study of a Woman’s Clinic in a Swedish Hospital Year 1
2007 Report: Art in Healthcare A Study of the Art in Diagnostic Center (DC) University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden. Division of Art History and Visual Studies.
The role of Art in Healthcare and its requirements through a study of Diagnostic Center (DC), a Hospital with Art and Architecture integrated. Issues: Who selected Art for DC and on what foundations? How are Art and Architecture integrated, and what is the established knowledge of Art in Healthcare? Studies of reference material, theses, research articles and interviews. Hermeneutic and discourse analyses were used. Theorists: Barthes, Bourdieu, Foucault, Arnheim, Sjögren, Rasmussen. Results: A regional group selected local Art, mainly nonfigurative, and integrated it early in the architectural process. A stimulating non-traditional hospital environment with a modern design and two artists created work specifically for the environment. Art affects our Health and Caring Sciences is a scientific field that is studying how art affects patients and staff. It is relatively new, but it is growing into a vast field of research, learning more about Art’s effect on Health.