For three years Lalla Thord explored how the hospital environment could be improved by integrating Nature in a ward and public space.
Sweden being one of the most secularized countries in the world, nature has an important place in many people’s hearts. By integrating Nature in an environment so full of vulnerability, sickness and stress, could it be a resource for strengthening the people in that environment? Research show nature has a calming effect on us, and since many hospitals were built in the 1970’s looking more like prisons, this was the place to integrate nature.
Combining research and the requirements from patients and staff, this project was organically evolved finding the optimal solution for all parts. At low cost.
The result showed that themes of Nature give feelings of beauty, hope and calm, improving the possibilities for enriching conversations. It helped patients feel hope, a sense of inner strength, inspiration and beauty.
The project inspired other hospitals to integrate nature in the ward and made them more aware of the impact on patients and staff wellbeing.
The fotos were provided by Stiftelsen Skånska Landskap who were collaborators from the beginning and inspired many patients and staff to visit their parks in Skåne.
The study was presented at:
EHMA, European Health Management Ass. The Netherlands. Poster.
World Congress on Design and Health in Hong Kong 11th World Congress on Design and Health in Hong Kong, China. Poster.
International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare, London, UK. Poster.
The fotos were donated by the Stiftelsen Skånska Landskap a collaborator that also were inspiring for patients during rehabilitation, due to their forest recreation focus.
The report was executed in collaboration with Malmoe University Department for Health and Society on improvement in healthcare. -tar plats-i-vaarden-873369
The Impact of Nature in a Hospital Ward in a Swedish Hospital Part 3
Naturupplevelsens betydelse I vården – En studie på en kvinnoklinik vid ett svenskt centralsjukhus Del 3. Enheten för strategisk kvalitetsutveckling Region Skåne